Internal Reviews & Audits – QA

We conduct formal and thorough internal audits against the regulatory standards (SRTOs 2015, the National Code 2018, and ELICOS National Standards 2018), aligned with ASQA’s audit approach and model. Our auditors are qualified lead auditors and provide an opportunity to review the existing systems, processes, records, evidences and make recommendations for improvements in readiness for an external/ASQA audit.

Internal reviews and audits provide an opportunity to evalaute existing systems, processes, and practices, and allow for the necessary improvements and changes. Internal audits are aimed at mitigating and managing compliance risks, and keeping the management infomed on the areas of focus/quality improvements.

Internal audits are first step towards assessing your RTO/institution compliance health and preparing for external audits.

The internal audit process involves;

  • Audit Purpose and Schedule
  • Audit Plan and Scope (Notice of Audit)
  • On-Site Audit
  • Audit Report with Recommendations

Opening and exit meetings are held on the scheduled days to provide an overview and summary of findings.

We emulate ASQA’s audit process. An internal audit/review usually takes 1-2 days on-site. We also assist with implementation of quality measures and operational improvements.

Formal and detailed audit reports are provided with suggestions and recommendations for addressing the non-compliance, if any.

Internal audits should ideally be conducted at least once a year as part of an RTO’s quality assurance and continuous improvement plan.

Contact us to arrange meeting to discuss your specific requirements.