International Education, 2019 – Report

Source: ASQA, Sep 2019

ASQA announced in 2017 that it would undertake a strategic review of international VET and English language education services delivered by ASQA-regulated providers (the International Education Strategic Review).

This review involved:

  • developing risk indicators, using risk intelligence information held by ASQA and other agencies, to identify providers of interest
  • conducting a program of regulatory activities of 35 providers of interest, using a variety of regulatory techniques designed to respond to the risk factors identified for each provider
  • reviewing various Australian and international research and reports
  • undertaking targeted consultation on strategies to recognise and support VET and ELICOS quality
  • assessing the risk factors arising from offshore delivery, and commissioning research into the quality of the data available in relation to the offshore delivery of VET.

The review found that while students have good experiences studying in Australia, work is still required to ensure this continues to be the case.

The review also found evidence that some providers are not meeting their obligations to ensure overseas students:

  • receive accurate information about their courses
  • meet the prerequisites for courses
  • participate in a minimum of 20 contact hours per week.

The report also outlines five key actions for ASQA, including:

  • focusing our regulatory activity on addressing risks in the CRICOS and offshore sectors
  • enhancing information available to providers to support their compliance.


For detailed information, visit ASQA page: Strategic Review into International Education